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I am here to support you. All too often, individuals in our society experience a sense of disconnection, depletion and a general sense of dis-ease.  I can assist you in reclaiming your sense of energy, vitality and engagement with life!  Cultivating a lifestyle that is in accordance with your core values and which promotes a greater sense of comfort and flow adds zest to each day and  years to a lifetime.


        My unique gifts as a Metaphysical Intuitive and Transpersonal Guide coupled with my skillset as a Somatic Nervous System Regulation and Trauma Resolution Practitioner enables me to deeply promote integration of aspects of Self, an accepting and even friendly attitude toward the body, as well as  re-attunement to individuals' Internal Guidance System, or Voice of Intuition.


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Who Am I?  I am a mom to my Incredible Fourteen-Year -Old young man of a boy,   and Identify as being a mom, an Intuitive, a Free-Spirit, Loving, Wise, Creative, and Empathic/Highly sensitive. 

I am working still to resolve childhood trauma and nurture younger, less developed parts of Self to fully embody and step into my Personal Authority and Divine Gifts.

       Whether we engage in a brief energy reading, attunement and alignment or engage in deeper processing session work, you will feel a greater sense of clarity and openness, or space.  I work by infusing various elements of different modalities, depending on individual condition, constitution, needs and preferences. Constitution refers to an individual's ability to maintain health by resisting disease.

Modalities employed include Craniosacral Touch, Therapeutic Sound, Yoga Therapy, Embodied Movement, Crystal Healing,  Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Reiki, Metatronian Therapy, Lemurian Light Ray Therapy, Light Language and Therapeutic Touch. 

I am also gifted in the area of providing mindfulness, meditation and breath work skills, and well-versed in the neuroscience and physiology which makes these effective modalities.  My speciality is leading individiduals Inward on journeys to access their Subconscious and receive Guidance through Guided Hypnosis Meditation Journeying, which is Spiritual, or non-Clinical Hypnotherapy.  Ask me specifically about entering your Healing Space, Meeting your Guides, or the Medicine Wheel Retreat experience, or work with me to create a journey of your own. Among other benefits, Jonrneying can promote preparation for restful sleep and accessing of Wisdom in Dreamscape/Deep Sleep State.  I am excited to announce that I have embarked on Past Life Regression and Current Life Soul Progression with many of my client, producing fruitful results in their day-to-day experience!

          In the work I so lovingly do, I  often assist Others in going inward, identifying and embracing their own Divine Gifts and tapping into their Internal Guidance System through accessing Intuition and activating their abilities to engage their psychic or "extra-sensory"/"other"-perception gifts of clairsentience, clairaudience, clairvoyance and claircognizance in order to cultivate a lifestyle that helps them to promote shifts which enable them to come into greater alignment and flow with life.  I am Honored to assist you in Learning the Language of Energy, the basis of Intuition.  I Am a Teacher.  It is one of my styrongest Archetypes, and I am ever grateful for my Evolution from Classroom Teacher to Teacher of Soul Activatiuon and Evolution.

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